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it's time to create a shift

Shift your brain.
Shift your life.

Brain training can improve the function of your brain and your body. Since our brains are flexible, you can create that change, taking control of your life.

With the benefit of advances in neuroscience and technology, and a skilled provider working alongside you, you can create lasting change in brain and body function. 

We work diligently to create that change needed for our clients to make meaningful progress in their lives.

it's time to create a shift

Shift your brain.

Shift your life.

Brain training can improve the function of your brain and your body. Since our brains are flexible, you can create that change, taking control of your life.

With the benefit of advances in neuroscience and technology, and a skilled provider working alongside you, you can create lasting change in brain and body function. We work diligently to create that change needed for our clients to make meaningful progress in their lives.


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our services

What we offer at Brain Shift Colorado

Because every person is different and every brain is different, we can help identify what brain therapy would help provide the results you are desiring.

what is holding you back

Live the life you've always wanted.

Kara Vitek

Lead Therapist


y desire for you is that you discover how beneficial brain training can be in helping you live the life you’ve always wanted. I also want you to leave empowered knowing that you are in control of creating positive change in your life and your health. Since Neurofeedback and other forms of brain training are proven to teach clients to “shift” their brains to a healthier, more stable brain pattern, I wholeheartedly believe that brain training can transform your life whether you are struggling with anxiety or are an athlete trying to make it to the next level.

what is holding you back

Live the life

you've always wanted.

Kara Vitek
Founder & Lead Therapist


y desire for you is that you discover how beneficial brain training can be in helping you live the life you’ve always wanted. I also want you to leave empowered knowing that you are in control of creating positive change in your life and your health. Since Neurofeedback and other forms of brain training are proven to teach clients to “shift” their brains to a healthier, more stable brain pattern, I wholeheartedly believe that brain training can transform your life whether you are struggling with anxiety or are an athlete trying to make it to the next level.

it's time to make a shift.

Who can benefit from
brain training?

You don’t need to be in crisis in order for brain training to be effective in your life. 

Therapeutic brain training can be beneficial for individuals ranging from small children to adults of all ages, for individuals with learning disabilities, focus issues, concentration issues, and much more.

Learn more…

Neurofeedback can also help individuals to gain real-time insights into their brain activity, enabling them to improve their mental sharpness and overall well-being.

Learn more…

Happy Clients

Client Success

We are honored to be able to help people discover that their brains are capable of so much more than they realize. We love helping people recognize that change is possible.

During my teenage years, I faced numerous challenges. At that time, my ability to navigate these difficulties was limited. Kara offered me the pivotal support essential for my growth. It was instrumental in developing the skills that shaped me into the man I am today. Her ability as a counselor merits my highest recommendation.



Kara was incredibly dedicated to my daughter and our family.  She worked tirelessly with school and other providers to make sure my daughter’s needs were met and understood.  I saw my daughter make incredible strides while working with Kara.  We are thankful we found her and how she helped not only our daughter but in turn our family heal.



Kara’s kindness and compassion provided a sense of care and understanding, while her competence and assertiveness were vital in steering me towards positive habits. Equally important was her engaging and enjoyable approach to conversations, whether they were about serious topics or the lighter aspects of life.



Contact Brain Shift Co